Science of Awe


I was unaware of the scientific pursuit of what it means to experience awe until I came across a reference to Dacher Keltner in Diana Butler Bass’ The Cottage while she was discussing awe and how it “threads throughout the scriptures. It whispers with creation and thunders in God’s mighty works. It sings its psalms in the Hebrew Bible. It is vocalized by Lady Wisdom. In the New Testament, it is often the emotional response of the disciples or the crowds who follow Jesus. There are entire experiences of awe reported — like the Transfiguration, the post-Resurrection appearances of Jesus, and the events attending the emergence of the new community of the Spirit in Acts.”

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T.P. Caldwell is a writer, editor, photographer, and videographer who began his career as an apprentice printer at a weekly community newspaper. During his career as a journalist, he gained experience in all aspects of newspaper production, including working as a reporter, editor, publisher, and weekly newspaper owner.